Bloss keinen Ford fotografieren

Die Mitglieder des „Black Mustang Clubs“ lieben ihre Autos – so fest, dass die Community bereits seit mehreren Jahren einen Kalender publiziert, worauf jeweils zwölf Mitglieder stolz „ihren“ Ford Mustang zeigen. Dieses Jahr stoppte der Autohersteller die Fans jedoch mit der Begründung, dass Ford die Urheberrechte an allen Fotos besitze, schliesslich seien darauf Automobile von Ford abgelichtet.

BMC - Zensuriert...

Die mit der Produktion des Kalenders beauftragte Cafepress teilte das den verdutzten Administratoren des Black Mustang Clubs kurz und bündig mit:

Susette van der Beek on behalf of Ford Motor Company provided us with a notice stating that your use of Ford’s trademarks, including images of their vehicles, infringes upon their intellectual property rights (trademark/trade dress/copyright).
Accordingly, we have set the content that is alleged to infringe the rights of the third party to “pending status” which disables said content from being displayed in your shop or purchased by the public.

OK, das merk‘ ich mir: Ich werd‘ in Zukunft keine Fahrzeuge der Marke Ford mehr fahren fotografieren…

[Update] 16.01.2008 00:30 Uhr
Na also, Problem gelöst, wie der „Black Mustang Club“ hier zitiert:

My name is Whitney Drake and I work in Ford Communications. We’ve been watching this discussion with interest and I’d like to clarify what is essentially a misunderstanding.

Yesterday we spoke to both Cafe Press and the Black Mustang Club and explained the situation (about the Black Mustang Club’s calendar) to everyone’s satisfaction. Ford has no problem with Mustang or other car owners taking pictures of their vehicles for use in club materials like calendars. What we do have an issue with are individuals using Ford’s logo and other trademarks for products they intend to sell. Understandably, we have to take the protection of our brands and licensing very seriously.

Ford did not send the Black Mustang Club a “cease and desist” letter telling them that they could not use images of their own cars in their calendar. The decision not to allow the calendars to be printed was made by Cafe Press, because we had gotten in touch with them in the past about trademark infringements on products they sold.

The Black Mustang Club, and any other Ford enthusiast club, are free to take pictures of their own vehicles for use in calendars or other materials as long as they don’t use Ford trademarks in products that will be sold.

(Danke xel für den Tipp!)

(via gulli | Bild: Black Mustang Club)


  1. M 15.01.2008
  2. StoiBär 15.01.2008
  3. Thomas Gigold 15.01.2008
  4. metax. 15.01.2008
  5. ReneS 15.01.2008
  6. Mathias 15.01.2008
  7. Gris-Gris 15.01.2008
  8. xel 16.01.2008
  9. Christian Scholz 16.01.2008
  10. Mathias 16.01.2008
  11. Silke Schümann 17.01.2008
  12. Gris-Gris 17.01.2008
  13. Gris-Gris 17.01.2008
  14. BloggingTom 17.01.2008
  15. Gris-Gris 17.01.2008
  16. Silke Schümann 17.01.2008
  17. Gris-Gris 17.01.2008