How to Avoid Being BlogBashed

Nach dem Forbes-Artikel über uns böse Blogger nun der Leitfaden für Unternehmer, die von BlogBashing verschont bleiben wollen. Direkt aus der Villanova University School of Law von Jim Maule:

  1. Create quality products and services.
  2. Sell what you advertise.
  3. Make certain your products and services do what they claim to do.
  4. Fully test and study your products and services before offering them for sale.
  5. Disclose all risks posed to purchasers of your products and services.
  6. Tell the truth.
  7. Fulfill your warranty promises.
  8. Don’t cut corners.
  9. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  10. Don’t try to buy influence.

Follow those principles and the bloggers won’t have any reason to bash nor will they have anything or anyone to bash. They might even begin singing your praises without having to be paid to do so. As for the idiot bloggers who in turn lie, take the high road. Sue them. Don’t get down into their gutter. You’ll get just as dirty.

Genau. Das muss doch auch mal gesagt werden 😉

(via BoingBoing)


  1. MILE 3.11.2005
  2. Helmut 3.11.2005
  3. BloggingTom 3.11.2005